Tuesday 23 June 2015


23 June
After 4 hours of washing and drying of clothes on Monday night, we were ready to spend Tuesday visiting Amsterdam. After a bit of fluffing around in the morning deciding whether to drive or catch the train, we decided to take the easier option and take the latter.

I didn't really know what to expect from Amsterdam since my only experience with it was from Pulp Fiction and Duece Bigalo. Gene was expecting something from that love story about 2 sick kids and things written in the stars. Dee was the only one who has been there before and that was in 93 and she was busy running off to catch up with some US Army dude who likes history and old things. Thankfully she got THAT out of her system........

I think I'll break down the trip to several points:

Bicycles. They are everywhere and it is awesome. I saw bugger all racing or mountain bikes with most people riding a simple model. Many men rode a bike we would in Australia call a 'girls' bike with no central bar that could pulverise your testicles if you slipped on your pedals. There are also very few hills about which makes cycling much easier. They have a massive bike way plan and the bike rack area near the train stations is unbelievable.
Canals. I know there were canals here and throughout the area but this felt like a northern Venice. It was suitably awesome and great to use as reference points when navigating around the city. We also found the bridge that padlocks with lovers names are attached. They seem to be removed every year or so as we couldn't find any old ones.

Cannabis. Trying to find a place to eat where I wouldn't get high from second hand smoke made lunch a challenge. It's great that there are heaps of happy relaxed people here though.

Police. To possible contradict the above post, it was great to see the police in their riot gear and woven round shields settling down protesters (what about, I have no idea).

Shopping. We possibly spent some more money than what we planned for on clothes (generally tops) Dee and I bought Cadbury purple French military caps for 8 euro each. A bargain!

Ann Frank. I went to look at the house of Ann Frank after Dee and Gene were starting to wear out. I think I took a photo of the right place.... The house next door was modern and obviously a museum to her. There was also a 200m line of people waiting to visit.

Subtlety Leaning Buildings. Whether it's the canals or dodgy buildings but there are many older buildings that have a bit of a lean to them. It makes it for some interesting architecture.

Genevieve's Reaction. We were surprised about how gene reacted to the overt presence of the sex and drug industry. We didn't realise how prudish she was until then. Maybe she was adopted............ I think she was also disappointed that Amsterdam was nothing like the book she read.

Tomorrow we head further north!

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