Friday 12 June 2015

The sacrifices for the holiday budget

Friday, 12 June 15.
I think it's an accepted fact that you can't go everywhere and buy everything you want over a long holiday. Yesterday we blew our 'food and fun' budget at Bath and it was worth every penny.

Today, we looked at visiting the Longleat Safari Park and Stonehenge. We drove up to the gates of the first and turned around and Gene and I looked at the visitor centre of the latter. A drive by of the site was enough for us.

We also tromped around Old Sarum and enjoyed the bits we didn't have to pay for. It was a great site.

Salisbury was great but caused Dee a bit of a concern about the cost to see the cathedral but since it was only voluntary, we just walked in.

A beautiful building which almost beggers belief that they were able to construct it using the most basic of tools.

There was a wonderful grave statue ( the technical name escapes me right now). The plaque says it was initial thought to be made about 1250AD but has later been revised to the 14th century. I couldn't help myself and I talked to two guides and one of the priests about how I thought the original age was correct due to the type of hand protection, the leg armour, the integral hauberk of mitten and coif and the lack of armour normally seen on a 14th Century knight.

We also saw one of the 4 original Magna Cartas and was a bit entranced by the wall sculptures in the room. I think I found documentation for a large travelling bag that isn't like a man bag and a pouch attached to the belt of the braies. A bit excited about that.

Tomorrow we'll go back to Salisbury for a look around, find the Church where Dee and I were married in in 1999 and off to Winchester. We have only a few more days before we cross over to Waterloo and we'r hoping to also fit in Oxford, Runymede, a quick hello to London and catch up with the members of the 95th in Kent.

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