Tuesday 26 May 2015


With relatively few grumbles from the girls, we were up at 5.30am and on the road half an hour later to board our ferry to Ireland. All went went smoothly (even the sea which is a massive bonus for me).
We arrived at the stop for the night by about 10am, so we decided to move on and see the Giant’s Causeway. Dee decided that she needed a sleep more than walk around an awesome, cold, wind blasted world Heritage site, so I took Gene. A great place but I think they built it up too much but I’m not a geologist.

We drove on and left Northern Ireland to Ireland with the Euro and km/hour signs. Tomorrow will take us through the North West of Ireland and we should end up around Sligo.

The country side is green with definite field boundaries of thick hedges. You can only wonder how long those boundaries have been set. There seems to be far more wind turbines than England/Scotland which is saying a fair bit. It’s disappointing the lack of them in Australia.

We may be a day ahead of schedule in Ireland but we have a fair bit of travelling to do. If we can split a longer day into 2, that would be great.

When we visited last in 1999, there was still armoured trucks on the roads of Belfast. It looks so much different now. Definitely for the better, M
uch more relaxed. Phew!


  1. Well there is a formula for working it out...

  2. I loved Belfast. Nothing like a stroll along the Falls Road, through a Checkpoint Charlie and down to the Shankill Road to give you the real feeling of treading through other people's history - without really understanding it. Then again - nothing friendlier than Belfast people with visitors.
