Wednesday 22 July 2015


I think the Polish have something against people from other countries camping in their country. So far, it has been the hardest country to find a spot to stay (Especially the Germans and Russians).

One conversation I had showed the hatred felt. As was pointed out, after the Germans left Poland and the Russians moved in, hardly anything is recorded about the issues the Russians created while they were there for 50 years.

After visiting the construction works of all roads entering or leaving Warsaw, we headed to Auschwitz but we didn't expect to reach there until the following day. We had a campsite in the GPS but when we arrived it was an unused carpark with potentially some sort of resort that was locked behind stout gates. Luckily, there was a Dutch father with his 2 sons in exactly the same predicament. He found another site a few km away and we followed him until he lost his way and our GPS took us to one 400m down the road. The site was very basic but absolutely beautiful on the edge of a lake.

We had a great talk into the night about many things. I think he had a very valid point when we discussed the very stand-off nature of the Polish (and many other Russian controlled countries). If you showed emotion when discussing basically anything, you could be informed upon and not seen again. Having such a nature ingrained into a society will take decades to be removed. Something to ponder about.

The latest legs of our journey have been fairly long in time but not really in distance. This partly due to the slower, less developed roads but also because they are trying to improve them which slows everyone due to construction. A planned 2 hour drive in another country make take 4-6 hours here.

I don't mind the driving but I can understand the boredom of the passengers.

The next blog will be about Auschwitz.

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