Tuesday 21 July 2015

We came, Warsaw , We bought shoes

 Hey guys, Genevieve here.

So recently I came up with the amazing up with the idea of, hey, what if our trip around Europe was a videogame? (This surprised me because I never play videogames, I’m blaming Markiplayer) Maybe like an ‘.exe’ kind of game? I honestly don’t know yet. But I’m getting into the habit of saying things like “Fly uses Annoying Buzzing attack! Alex takes 10 damaged!” or “Genevieve successfully draws hand! New skill obtained!” Nope. Not annoying at all. Not me. I might draw some concept art if I feel up to it (I’m also working on some art for a post-apocalyptic Alice In Wonderland story I’m working on. I might make a post about it later.) Now, if only I knew somebody who knew how to make videogames…hmmm……

Today we stopped at a roadside cafe for morning tea, which quickly turned into an early lunch. Mum and I ordered a sausage with soup, and dad some dumplings. Dad’s dumpling went down without consequence, but our lunch was a bit more surprising. We quickly realized that our soup was at least 80% salt (to keep the Demons away) and that our sausage contained more oil than sausage! But all that paled in comparison to the bread. You know when you order soup at a restuarant, you get three, maybe four slices of bread on the side of your plate? Well, we got a whole loaf. A WHOLE LOAF OF BREAD!! HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!   It seemed Mum and dad had ordered the ‘mud’ option for their coffee, for there was a great gunky mass of coffee grinds in the bottom of their cup at the end.

<Bread loaf obtained>
< Salty soup eaten.  15 life experience earned>
As we drove, the two hours we had planned to drive, slowly drew out to six hours instead. But we did finally end up at the place we had intended to shop and do some shopping. Shoe shopping, at that. Something that most girls wanted to do and that I dread with every fiber of my being. While my parents sat around trying on sneakers, I hopped, dodged and swirled around the flow of people, grasping at shoes. Sneakers to flats to high heels so high that a giraffe would be jealous (A giraffe has a tongue so long it can clean out its ears, but no vocal cords. Go figure.) I did end up get a cool pair of boots though, so it wasn’t all bad. I wonder when boot companies will realise that people might want to wear boots without heels? It’s impractical for running and jumping and kicking stupid people in the face. Winchesters don’t wear heels, so I don’t need to either.
We stopped for afternoon tea, and had to explain to our waiter what Pavlova is, and yes, it was created in Australia and we’re proud of it. Dad had to write it on a napkin so he could spell/ pronounce it correctly. It was quite amusing.

We left the waiter puzzling over the serviette to go our separate way and look at what we could. Mum went shopping without us weighing her down. So instead we went and looked inside the building that we nicknamed “The Ghost Buster Building” as it resembled the building that appears at the end of the film with the Bubble-Lady-Dog-Goddess. (Are You A God?)  We ignored the museum of science and society (or something like that) and bought two tickets to take the elevator up to the top floor. We had to go up 30 floors, and our ears popped. It was quite a view, we could even see Springy in the car park. There was quiet a lot of graffiti, which we couldn’t read. The only thing I could read was “#TheHerd” The MLP fandom has struck again.
When we saw mum walk into Springy, we decided it was time to get down and keep on driving. I suggested the quickest route to get down, but that involved gravity and a gigantic marshmallow pillow on the sidewalk below. So we took the elevator. We later found a nice campsite tucked away in the middle of nowhere, that seemed to be mostly occupied by fishermen.
< Congratulations, player! Level 19 completed>

Until later, Gene.


  1. I love reading your blog updates! You're a really good writer! I'm on your mum's side, shopping is awesome :)

  2. I love reading your blog updates! You're a really good writer! I'm on your mum's side, shopping is awesome :)
