Thursday 30 July 2015

Sliding into Greece tomorrow

Thursday, 30 July

I know we were travelling through Europe in summer but this is silly. The last week has had the days in the high 30's and low 40's. I can't recall the last time I've worn flannel.

The new fridge works well on gas when you don't try to place it on the coldest setting. The heat created by the gas, heats the back of the fridge and counteracts any cooling benefit. I'm on the lookout for heat resistant tape to stop the fridge's 'exhaust pipe' from emitting heat through the length of pipe.

In the morning we visited Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. It was a nice place with a mixture of ancient, Communist and modern. We visited The Church of St George built in the 4th Century (,_Sofia). It's not large but it was a fantastic experience. A Greek Orthodox service was finishing when we arrived. It was interesting to see the service and the differences.

We also looked at a hand made craft shop but the buggers were closed. We did have a fantastic morning tea in a estrogen filled tea room.

As a surprise gift to Gene, we found a Captain America Minion. It took us a while but we finally found out that he sings a song in Romanian about a laughing frog.

We are now at the Bulgarian/Greece border and enjoying the air conditioning and BBC news in English.

Hopefully, we'll be camping within sight of Mount Olympus tomorrow.

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